Saturday 8 August 2015

APGA Youth Vanguard wishes Gov. Obiano happy 60th Anniversary.

A Well Deserved 60th Birthday Congratulatory Message To An Accomplished Leader Worthy of Outright Emulation, His Excellency, Chief Willie M. Obiano, Akpokuodike Global ( Executive Governor, Anambra State, Nigeria)- 08/08/2015 

His Excellency, To God be the glory Sir ! Birthday celebration is a new starting point of a new age, a fresh beginning, and a time to pursue new endeavors with new goals. Move forward with confidence and courage. You’re a very special person to the entire people of Anambra and Nigeria at large. Count the age, not the wrinkles you have. Count the blessings and wonderful experiences you’ve had, not the mistakes made. Forget the past; look forward to the future, for the best things are yet to come. May beauty and happiness surround you, not only on your special day, but always.

Anambrarians envisaged in you, a complete man who has tireless vision and who I personally sighted a great zeal to develop and make his state have some positive attributes with what is obtainable in western countries of the world.

Our amiable Governor has so much tried to fulfill his numerous promises to people of the state ever since he assumed that office. With his midas touch, our great state is acclaimed to be one of the safest states in the country because of the fierce war Governor Obiano waged on kidnappers, armed robbers and other criminal elements cum social vices in the state. Operation Kpochapu is at work and Anambra people no longer have sleepless night.
Photo: Gov. Obiano

 His Excellency, Sir, I can vividly still recall one of your inaugural speeches on March 17th, 2014: “Fellow Anambrarians, your clamour for a capital city that fully reflects the essence of our people will be addressed by my administration. We shall re-design and remodel Awka to meet the structural and aesthetic requirements of a 21st Century city that we can all be proud of. We shall also faithfully implement the master plans for Onitsha and Nnewi.” As record may attest to it, today, Awka the highly neglected capital city of Anambra state has kicked off the journey of becoming indeed, a modernised state capital. The heavy construction going on along Awka-Onitsha Expressway is standing the governor very tall in the state.

The governor did tell Anambrarians on March 17th, 2014: “My administration shall launch Anambra into a new economic phase through what I call the FOUR PILLARS of Development. They include – Aggressive Mechanised Agriculture – We shall engage in a serious production of cassava, maize and rice where we have a comparative advantage. In addition, we will re-train, re-equip and organise our farmers into cooperatives to enable them share resources and attract funding from donor agencies and financial institutions. These efforts will lead to massive increase in food production in the medium to long term and the emergence of agro-based industries in the area of storage, processing, manufacturing and packaging. That will create a lot of jobs for our people.

Now, Obiano can stand tall before his party men, as he, unlike his predecessor, has carried the party along. He has also shown love for the workforce of the state with the increment he made to their salary and the buses he provided to ease their movement to and from office.

Akpokuodike Global, words alone are not enough to express how happy the entire members of APGA YOUTH VANGUARD are as you are celebrating another year of your life today ! Our wish for you on your birthday is that you are, and will always be, happy and healthy !

May God in his interminable kind attributes bless your new age abundantly through Christ Jesus Our Lord, Amen.

••• Happy Birthday Anambra No 1 Citizen
••• Happy Birthday Akpokuodike Global
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••• Happy Birthday To A True Democrat
••• Happy Birthday To A Great Political Icon
••• Happy Birthday Papa Anambra
••• Happy Birthday To Renowned Administrator
••• Happy Birthday To An Accomplished Banker
••• Happy Birthday To A First Class Auditor
••• Happy Birthday Our BoT Leader

Signed :

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