Wednesday 25 March 2015

Celebrating Noble Eyisi's 100 Days In Office As The Students' Union President, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.

OFFICAL: THE PRESIDENCY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF PRESS SECRETARY ANOWAI UZONDU .N. Dearest Noble Zikites, It is with overwhelming joy and unending gratitude to the Almighty God that I write this address. Indeed, it has not been easy but it has pleased the Lord to keep us in His divine mercy and strength. Today, 25th March 2015, marks my 100 days in office having been sworn in on 14th December, 2014, after what could best be described as one of the keenly contested Students’ Union Government elections on December 11th, 2015. My job as an SUG president could be best described as all encompassing, but it is with your utmost co-operation and God’s grace that I have been able to pull through. The Noble Eyisi-led administration has in the past 100 days recorded indelible achievements; paramount of which, are the reduction of transport fare within the campus to 20 naira and the liase with the Chief Willie Obiano administration which led to the donation of two (2) Anambra State Mass Transit Buses to the institution. It is pertinent at this point to note that when the reduction of transport fare within the campus took place, it took a lot of sacrifice and doggedness from my Excos and Cabinet Members to resolve the strike embarked upon by the drivers. I also want to use this medium to reiterate my commitment to deliver the very best of dividends of democracy to you, Noble Zikites. My address will never be complete without appreciating the school management, led by our amiable Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Joseph .E. Ahaneku for the unequalled support and enabling environment provided for the union to function. To our dynamic Dean of Students’ Affairs, Prof. Ken .C. Nwogu, we appreciate your efforts towards a hitch-free union. As the institution’s number one student, I want you to continue to cherish the main reason of being in the campus, which is the pursuit of academic excellence. I therefore urge you to shun every activity that would pose a threat to this purpose and not to lose sight of your academic pursuit. Finally, on behalf of my Excos and Presidential cabinet members, I wish to thank you all for the co-operation and support to my administration which is characterized by service before self and pray that the almighty God continue to grow us all from strength to strength. Aluta Continua; Victoria Ascerta Rotr. Comr. Noble Eyisi President, Students’ Union Government Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka

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