Thursday 19 November 2015

Peter Obi did not leave 75 Billion for Gov. Obiano - Valentine Obienyem

Peter Obi did not leave 75 Billion for Gov. Obiano - Valentine Obienyem.

Former Gov. Peter Obi's aides on media ridiculed themselves today when they could not defend their claims that their boss Former Gov Peter Obi left 75 Billion naira cash for the incumbent Gov. Willie Obiano.

From their presentation, it became very clear that Former Gov. Peter Obi wrote check totaling over 75 Billion in his last week in office and these checks were confused by this mischief makers as money for Gov. Obiano.

The revelation of the checks written by former Gov. Obi during his last week in office was occasioned by Valentine Obienyem's carton load of documents which channels did not allow him to sought during the interview. Breezing through the documents, Valentine Obienyem could not respond to why his boss, Mr Peter Obi left a debt of over 100 Billion Naira for his successor, Chief Willie Obiano.

It was later to be found out that over 75 Billion of the total 185 Billion debt were checks written during Peter Obi's last week in office. Recall that Gov. Obi awarded contracts and flagged one off on the day of his handover to Gov. Obiano.

Valentine Obienyem was fast to read out how much was in Anambra State account on the day Gov. Obi handed over to Gov. Obiano but he did not tell how were outstanding checks as of that day. The truth is that Gov. Obi wrote checks that depleted Anambra State accounts the following morning and put the state automatically in the negative.

The truth is beginning to come out and Gov. Obi can only run but can't hide. I told former Gov. Obi that Oderaigbo and Valentine Obienyem will land him in trouble one day. Oderaigbo has succeeded in exposing Gov. Peter Obi. This is just the beginning.

The next interview which Stan Chira aka Oderaigbo will come for since Valentine Obienyem has shown that he is a disgrace is the interview on the 65.5 Billion excess crude which Gov. Obi diverted and used to build his NEXT MALL at Abuja. It is unfortunate that Mr. Peter Obi's media aides will not let the sleeping dog lie.

EFCC are resting in their palace drinking their fura du nunu and this people are knocking at their door. Take note that Valentine Obienyem and Oderaigbo are the ones inviting EFCC so that when they come sniffing, no one should blame Gov. Willie Obiano. Something is really smelling rotten - Saint Peter Obi has sinned and needs confession.

 Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

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